1. janek schaefer . migration | track1 (bip hop)
2. glen kotche . introducing | wading pool (locust music)
3. arne nordheim . dodeka | hovering / awaiting (rune grammofon)
4. hazard . land | substation
5. pita . opera remixes | HBR 64507 mix (cubicf)
6. francisco lopez . untitled (2004) | untitled #165 / untitled #159 (m-oso)
7. karkowski / kasper t.toeplitz . le depeupleur | track1 (auf abwegen)
8. luc ferrari / erik m . archives sauvées des eaux
9. yuichiro fujimoto . kione | drawing of stars (audio dregs)
10. robert henke . signal to noise | signal to noise I (imbalance)
11. toshimaru nakamura / jason kahn . repeat | 4:22 (cut)
12. aube . reworks stefano gentile | track3 (silentes)
13. lull . cold summer | lost sanctum (sentrax)
14. seijiro murayama / michael northam . they stood around and watched | track1 (UI)